Create the perfect backyard escape for you and your family.

Meet new EZ Glaze® DIY Roofing Panels!

Why EZ Glaze?

Build better outdoor living spaces for year-round use with EZ Glaze – a premium covering solution for residential roofing projects.

3X thicker than our SUNTUF roofing sheets, these polycarbonate panels offer the visibility and sleek look of glass at less than half the weight.

The edge corrugation easily overlaps rafters and connects to the supporting structure – the panels can be installed directly to rafters on 24-inch centers or over purlins as required.

Whether you’re covering a patio, pergola, deck, or backyard greenhouse, EZ Glaze sheets are the first choice for homeowners and residential contractors looking to transform an outdoor space without complicated install!

Where To Buy EZ Glaze Panels

High-end, professional-grade roofing panels that you can install quickly yourself.

ez glaze benefits
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